CronacaPer Angela Cimini di Maiori laurea in Business Administration in International Hospitality

Maiori, Costiera Amalfitana, Lauree, Montreux, Svizzera, Turismo, Economia, Business

Per Angela Cimini di Maiori laurea in Business Administration in International Hospitality

Un percorso di studi impeccabile che si concluderà dopo lo stage formativo sul campo

Inserito da (Admin), venerdì 11 febbraio 2022 19:17:43

"Independent Family Hotels vs. Chaoin Hotels: SOPs, Service Quality & Customer Satisfaction" è il titolo della tesi in lingua inglese discussa al GLION Institute of Higher Education di Montreux in Svizzera da Angela Cimini di Maiori che questo pomeriggio ha conseguito la laurea triennale in Business Administration in International Hospitality Business with Luxury Brand Strategy.

"Customer satisfaction is proved to be the most important factor regarding customer retention in Luxury Hotels. Hotels that experience low customer satisfaction rates indeed lack of proper managerial skills and successful economic performance.

This paper looked at the possible differences in the managerial decision-making process between Independent and Chain Hotels on the Amalfi Coast, Italy. The aim was to discover factors affecting customer satisfaction and service quality in the two different types of managed hotels. These are then influenced by the use of Standard Operating Procedures and both financial and non-financial indicators which affect hotel performance in both entities. The researcher stated the following objectives: (1) To analyze and contrast the factors affecting Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Independent and Chain Hotels, (2) To identify and analyze the usage of Standard Operating Procedures, (3) To distinguish and assess financial and non-financial indicators influencing Performance.

Primary data was gathered through online interviews using the qualitative method approach. A total of six hotels, both independent and chain hotels, participated to the study. The questions were based on the literature review, which simultaneously, was linked to the three objectives. The results were analyzed and compared using the coding method.

The findings of the study suggested that, indeed, customer satisfaction is the most important factor for the success of a hotel. Most of the hotels used some form of market analysis and evaluation system, such as Total Quality Management. Lastly, the results showed that all of the hotels considered the staff to be central in order to obtain consistent customer satisfaction, together with the implementation of an efficient Standard Operating Procedures manual."

Per la giovanissima Angela, già annoverata tra le migliori energie della Costa d'Amalfi, un traguardo raggiunto con tanta passione grazie anche al supporto dei genitori Andrea e Maria che oggi con le sorelle Alice e Alessandra, accompagnati da zia Angela, con i cugini Benny e Clelia, si sono emozionati durante la cerimonia di proclamazione.

E anche noi della redazione di Maiori News e Positano Notizie ci uniamo virtualmente al brindisi augurando ad Angela ogni bene.

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